Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Looking forward to the new semester!

My summer vacaiton is 12 days left....
I've prepared the welcome camp for the freshmen stuff since last week.
And now, I start to feel kind of boring.
Honestly to say, I'm a little regret to join the camp and finsh my summer vacation so early...

Today chat with a friend from New Zealand and also browsed his album
It was soooo incredible!!! How did he make it??? That's an album with very beautiful photos
just like some travel website!

And he told me something about where he went and where he will go the day after tomorrow.
It sounds like his life is very special and interesting!
But he thaught it's normal...
well, maybe travel around is one of my dream so I'm envy of his life

This is my first English blog,
I want to write it every day!


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