Saturday, September 09, 2006

No Pressure, No Growth

No pressure, no growth. That's what I learned from an article today. The author said that his proffessor asked them how long did they sped on the assignment, and also wandered what did they feel about the first assignment.

"Too much." was two third students' oppinion. Them his professor smiled and said, "Good, that's just what I want. Always remeber: No pressure, No Growth."

After reading, I kept thinking about the meaning of "No pressure, no growth." I always feel so much pressure on me; but when I have nothing to do, I still complain about why I don't have andy pressure. Sounds like very ambiguous.

Although I always complain about all of things around me, but I still believe it's good for someone to have pressure on him. Not only because it won't be boring, but also can inspire someone's potential of skills. Maybe that's what the professor called "growth".

So, stop complaining have too much pressure, just always do your best and remember to discover what you learn, how much you growth.


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