Thursday, September 14, 2006

Just do it without hesitate.

From the summer vacation began, I decided to do everything I want with no hesitate. After a long summer past, I still work hard to get my target. The short-term and the long term.

The short one is next year to the U.S. I have two jobs now, one is a tutor of two kids, and the other one is the assistant of cram school teacher. Although I don't have to spend too much time as last year in Pizzahut, there's still at least 8 to 9 hours a week spent on work. Meanwhile, studying very hard is what I have to do since this semester. Plus, I want to see how good I can do on it!

What about the long-term target? Still have to safe enough money for my gap year trip. I guess I'll go to New Zealand after graduating. Plan to experience something special in the amazing country, see significant scenery there. And most important of all, preparing the IELTS exam there. As what the Nursing department graduated students said, I won't have much time to study English when starting to work. So just seize every opportunities everyday.

I'm 19 going to 20, in the future, I'll learn to be more responsible and make exact decisions. I'm growing up and have to behave my own age. Never be that childish anymore!


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