Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Art of Sharing

Something happened today makes me think about sharing.

One of my good friends wants to take the exam to graduate school. It has been a long time she considered about it. But at the same time, she is in a dilemma that go to cram school or not. If so, that'll be a big cost to her; if not, she has to prepare by herself but now we have too much thing to do after school and internship, she doesn't think it's a good idea to study by her own.

As her friend, I think it my responsibility to support her. Although I can' t study with her, I still can help her by supply the information i know. Few months ago, I found out the on-line open-course of UC Berkley. It contains different classes' webcam on line. I watched some episodes before and recommended it so much. To me, it's not only a special way to learn Enlgish but also make you study better. It's deffinetely the best way to help her.

After telling her the website, she was very excited, keep saying "Thank you, it's so cool!" But at the same time, I told her what i felt about it. As they already know, I always find something usefal and special from the internet. But they are all in English, I do want to share with classmates but also afraid of some of them may have such feeling, "All in English? Who you think you are? You think you are good enough to study everything in English?" That's why I didn't tell anyone in my class.

But after today's sharing, I think maybe I should change. It's happy to help others, is it? And I did it today, I helped my good friend to improve her English and study Biology at the same, best of all, she won't have to pay the tuition of cram school and has more possibiltiy to pass the entrance exam.

Sometimes, there may be some silly people say rediculouse things, but never mind it. At the other side, there still other people will say thank you to what you do.

Sharing things to others is one of the happy things in your life. By this way, you can earn more friendship and feel good to what you do. So, from now on, just do it without hesitate!


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