Friday, November 09, 2007

The last day in Pediatric Internship

Today is the last day in Pediatric department. I feel happy and a little bit sad at the dame time. And today is also my favorite teacher's last day in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. All the nurses in 11L were feel sad about it. There's no reason that they feel sad about it, teacher has been worked here for 10 years. No wonder they have such feeling toward her. The last day I don't have much to do, cause my patient disaddmissioned. Because of it, I searched some information about different diseases, and discussed our report with teacher. Because she will leave, she decided to gieve her books for us. Finally when i go to the room to ask something, she told me how much she expects to me and gave me a book, "Manual of Ambulatory Pediatric". I was too suprised and touched to express how happy I am. Kept saying, "Than you, teacher. Thank you." At the same time, I felt shame on myself. I still don't pay too much attention on my study, or corectly say is that I want to do too much things. Such as, study English, listen speeches and do part-time job. Also have to do my internship! Anyway, I want to do better, I want to do as good as my role model. Than you, my friend, my teacher, my mentor and my lifelong role model. Bon Vonyage!


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