Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Internship is in the counting down stage now. I did what i usually do today. But there's something happened today really made me want to cry.

At about 9, we were busy doing the routines and kept thinking about "how can we so busy?!" Suddenly, one patient passed away. It was too fast to realize when it happened and next minute, i saw family rushed in. It was a man at about 45, drunk driving and in coma for few days. His wife, kids and father yelled his name, wanted him to wake up, yelled "You can't leave us, you promised you'll quit drinking and be a good person! you promised me!" "Dad, wake up! i know you are just feel sleepy now! WAKE UP!!!!"

At first, i was recording my patient's status. But when i saw the scene, i felt very sad. I came up with my parents. The man's kids are little, just 12 yrs old. The scene made me think about one day, my parents will leave me and my brother. To think that, i started to cry. I just didn't know why.

After that, the kids saw me typing. They came and curious about how can i typed so fast. We had a short talk, and i encouraged them, "You guys must be strong, from now on, you have to take care of your mom and the family." they nodded. "We will. thank you."

Finally, they started their way to home, where the county next to the hospital. They carefully informed the man, "Dad, now we are going to home. We are leaving the hospital...."

It was a farewell day to the family but just another busy day for us.