Friday, June 20, 2008

I need courage

When was the last time you felt confident? I can't remeber, actually.

Today is the last day of internship, we had evaluation at school. Before the evaluation, we had to present your paper first. Although I knew I didn't pay much attention on the d*mn paper but i still felt anxiety about presenting it in front of whol group.

It's quit fortunate that i was the third one to present. Last time i was the first one and totally screwed up! Anyway, the 2 presented before me were very anxiety as well. One even had been nervous since we decided who to be the first.

Because of critical thinking is a major part of our university nursing education, instructors always put it as our first priority. That is, you must keep thinking every detail is logical or not. Honestly, i'm very weak when it comes to this point. During the whole process of learning how to care a clent, i knew i'm good at reading the order but i don't know how to figure out the interventions and assess appropriately, even though i've had internship for whole semster.

Then it was my term to on the stage, I was nervous as usual. When the members started to ask me question, i was totally out of control. I can hear my voice were lower and lower, and finally murmured to myself. It sounds stupid, but that's what happened today. Even though the girl pointed some mistakes that actually not real, i can't tell her what i thought. All i could do was stood there and said, "oh, i didn't notice that. Myabe i should be more specific." Untill teacher said. "You weren't wrong, all you have to do is being more confident! you can do well, i know."

That's the crux. Sometimes i think i'm not that suck, but sometimes i felt i don't have those things that can make myself proud as well. Take the paper for example, i already knew i won't get good score all because i started too late and wanted to escape from it. Of course i got very bad score and feel frustrated again. There are just too many things that make me think i'm not superior and lack of confidence.

What can i do?


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