Monday, June 09, 2008

i HATE paper!

Right now feel like i'm going to throw up in every minute! Damn, I HATE PAPER!!!

It really take a long time to finish one, every time i just keep complaning about i don't want to do the homework. Unfortunately, this time i'm still doing what i did before as usual. I didn't sleep 2 days in a row, only noded for 2 or three hours a day. But when woke up, i still can't find the motivation to do, even though the dead line is tomorrow.

Even though the paper is huge, i still had to go to club tonight. But honestly, when you having another thing in mind, it's hard to be concentrate on what you are doing now. So i didn't pay much attention on tonights meeting, it sucked! I think maybe others were hoping i can say more or start a new topic. But i just can't help thinking about that i haven't finish my paper.

Finally, i'm back. But the problem now is that I DON'T WANNA START! i got no idea to write, my creativity just disappear. Sometimes i feel very frustrated, I don't think i hate the process to collect information that my paper need nor talk to patients. But i DO hate to do homework! It's very boring and time-consuming.

Worst of all, your life will be very unhealthy. You'll stay up few days in a row, keep drinking coffee and eating snacks but don't want to have a real meal. Cause you didn't have enough sleep, you'll easily disconcentrate in classes. Finally, you'll find out you messed up EVERYTHING.



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