Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Finally, i finished the mid-term. God, I 'm so glad it's over! I do like the children but I hate the exam! Those thing was killing me! But I found out that it's good to study in the early morning. The air is fresh and it's very quiet that time. Best of it, the study room is only few people inside! I can easily concentrate on study. Maybe I should change my way to study.

Recently start to think about my future. I don't want to be the one that just the same as others, do the same thing and nothing special happened. Graduate, take the exam, prepare to work, go to work, get married. Then waht? That's not the life I want. But what kind of life I really want? I ideal lifestyle is do what i like and still have time to travel around the world. How to do that? I'm not sure, but i'm trying to figure out.


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