Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wisdom teeth

Yes, i got my wisdom teeth extracted.

Last week i felt my right chin hurt and went to the dentist. Before i went, i thought maybe it wasn't cause by wisdom teeth. I remeber last semester, when we had internship in pediatric unit, there was a girl had the same problem but it was cause by upper airway infection. Anyway, the dentist told me that he'll "do something" on my teeth this week.

At first i didn't understand what did he mean "do something", but this week he told me he'll extract my wisdom teeth!!! What?!?! EXTRACT?!?! I felt exciting and suprised at the same time, Cause i never etracted any wisdom teeth before.

He explained the procedure and what will it be to me. Because my teeth was still in the gum, he had to cut my gum then took the teeth away, it's different from normal teeth extraction. Then he started to apply anesthesia medication. It was a weid feeling, at first i felt numb on my right chin, my lip, then half of my tongue. Finally i can hardly feel the tools touched my mouth.

At that moment, i started to feel scared. Lots of bad thoughts was running through my head, i was afraird of after the teeth extraction i will bleed a lot then get severe infection. (That's what i read from some medical magazine.) And also think about what was the dentist doing. I felt time slow, i wanted to finish all of it RIGNT NOW!

About one hour later, he extracted my teeth successfuly. I saw that teeth and felt disgusting. It was a big and also had some of my gum on it! And the dentist told me my wound is deep, so i have to take care of it carefully. It was a big trouble, i can't drink and eat all night. (Well, it's a smart move that i had dinner with my brother before i went.) Have to apply some ice on my cheek for 20 minutes per hour, and can't spit or rinse. Being a patient is so hard and boring!

It was a special experience to me. It let me realize event though you are a nurse or a dcotor, the moment you are in the clinic, you are still the patient. We must take care of all the patients no matter what.


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