Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Finally, i finished the mid-term. God, I 'm so glad it's over! I do like the children but I hate the exam! Those thing was killing me! But I found out that it's good to study in the early morning. The air is fresh and it's very quiet that time. Best of it, the study room is only few people inside! I can easily concentrate on study. Maybe I should change my way to study.

Recently start to think about my future. I don't want to be the one that just the same as others, do the same thing and nothing special happened. Graduate, take the exam, prepare to work, go to work, get married. Then waht? That's not the life I want. But what kind of life I really want? I ideal lifestyle is do what i like and still have time to travel around the world. How to do that? I'm not sure, but i'm trying to figure out.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Keep waiting

Since miss my family so much, finally i decided to stay in Taipei for one night. Last night ate night snack with Dad and Jerry, we talked a lot and also shared some anicdotes.

Because of the PE mid-term on Monday, I have to go back to school earlier. Although mom waked me up early and took me to the station, I still can't get here early. I waited for the school bus for almost one hour! I can' believe it!

When back to here, I felt tired. Right now I just feel very tired only because of the exams.

Friday, November 09, 2007

The last day in Pediatric Internship

Today is the last day in Pediatric department. I feel happy and a little bit sad at the dame time. And today is also my favorite teacher's last day in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. All the nurses in 11L were feel sad about it. There's no reason that they feel sad about it, teacher has been worked here for 10 years. No wonder they have such feeling toward her. The last day I don't have much to do, cause my patient disaddmissioned. Because of it, I searched some information about different diseases, and discussed our report with teacher. Because she will leave, she decided to gieve her books for us. Finally when i go to the room to ask something, she told me how much she expects to me and gave me a book, "Manual of Ambulatory Pediatric". I was too suprised and touched to express how happy I am. Kept saying, "Than you, teacher. Thank you." At the same time, I felt shame on myself. I still don't pay too much attention on my study, or corectly say is that I want to do too much things. Such as, study English, listen speeches and do part-time job. Also have to do my internship! Anyway, I want to do better, I want to do as good as my role model. Than you, my friend, my teacher, my mentor and my lifelong role model. Bon Vonyage!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Art of Sharing

Something happened today makes me think about sharing.

One of my good friends wants to take the exam to graduate school. It has been a long time she considered about it. But at the same time, she is in a dilemma that go to cram school or not. If so, that'll be a big cost to her; if not, she has to prepare by herself but now we have too much thing to do after school and internship, she doesn't think it's a good idea to study by her own.

As her friend, I think it my responsibility to support her. Although I can' t study with her, I still can help her by supply the information i know. Few months ago, I found out the on-line open-course of UC Berkley. It contains different classes' webcam on line. I watched some episodes before and recommended it so much. To me, it's not only a special way to learn Enlgish but also make you study better. It's deffinetely the best way to help her.

After telling her the website, she was very excited, keep saying "Thank you, it's so cool!" But at the same time, I told her what i felt about it. As they already know, I always find something usefal and special from the internet. But they are all in English, I do want to share with classmates but also afraid of some of them may have such feeling, "All in English? Who you think you are? You think you are good enough to study everything in English?" That's why I didn't tell anyone in my class.

But after today's sharing, I think maybe I should change. It's happy to help others, is it? And I did it today, I helped my good friend to improve her English and study Biology at the same, best of all, she won't have to pay the tuition of cram school and has more possibiltiy to pass the entrance exam.

Sometimes, there may be some silly people say rediculouse things, but never mind it. At the other side, there still other people will say thank you to what you do.

Sharing things to others is one of the happy things in your life. By this way, you can earn more friendship and feel good to what you do. So, from now on, just do it without hesitate!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Still a procrastinator?

Another failed quiz again. Since school started to take quiz every two weeks, I felt powerless every time when teacher said they'll take quizs. I enjoy learning very much, but i hate to take quizs in deed. I don't want to be controlled our pushed to study only because of those stupid quizs!!!

Recently, i found out that it's so difficult for me to be concentrate in the classes. Maybe i need more sleep and regular life. Cause i really need to pay more attention on my study! I remeber before I came back to Taiwan, I made up my mind to be a good student and get better score this semester. But now is the seventh week and i do nothing good. The day before yesterday Michael asked me online, "Do you study hard now?" I feel kind of upset. Yes, I keep studying but till now just have nothing and also not hard enough. It remind me of I don't keep our promise, I promised them I'll do my best for my study in the last day at Greyhound Station. And now? I just let my quizs failed and feel nothing. Such a liar!

Next week is going to have two mid-terms and don't study much, what happened to me?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Big trouble solved & Study group

Finally, i got a new username again. It was a big trouble to me that i had to try different way to log in this blog. Untill now, I still can't understand what happened to my blog. Actually i wanted to register other blog account, but i do love the address "sandyhuang", so that's why i keep it.

And when i saw last post, it was in April! It's hard to believe that i haven't post for such a long time! Register the account was for my English composition and also wanted to try new things. But till now, only 5 posts.... Shame on me!

Today, i made up my mind to have a study group with Ruby, my dearest roommie! It's so funny that we thaught each other doesn't have any interests to prepare English exams together. Recently I found out that she took IELTS during summer vacation from her blog. I was shocked, cause i thaught she wants to go to the States not Australia! Then she told me that she really wants to go there and even searched information about some colleges there.

At the counter part, she was surprised, too! She thaught I want to work in the States and don't have any interests to Australia. That's why she didn't talk anything about it to me. Wow, if i didn't find out she took IELTS, i won't find out she wants to go there!

Anyway, the time we found out each other's destination and final target, both of us were extremely surprised and happy. Because of having something in common, we diecied to prepare IELTS together and also made a study group, wish we could improve our English at the same time. And the name of study group? "Low Key" is our thing, we have to keep it in mind, so that's our name.

Right now i join two study groups and English club, each one may improve different ability in different way. Englsih club is for speaking and correct grammar; study group in Taipei is for reading and writing by reading lots of materials. The last and newest one, is for everything I need including the treasure friendship.

How long could i keep them going? I don't know. The only one thing I know is that I have full of stamina right now.

Just do it!